My anti-stress cocktail consists of a valium, a bottle of wine to my face, and a shot of vodka in my afternoon latte. Haha! I’m just joking, I don’t like coffee. Anyways, herbs are a whole new world that I have been discovering lately, and I am kind of obsessed. The herbs I am using are all known as “adaptogens” and their job is to help us “adapt” to the stress we face in our crazy fast paced lives. If you have not read my blog “Fix Your Attitude” please do as it is a great precursor to why herbs are so incredible for your health, and your weight loss.


I have my greens “cocktail” in the AM as soon as I wake up, before breakfast. My second course of greens is in the afternoon around 4-6pm range. The reason why I have my greens with all the herbs in the AM and the afternoon, is because this is when our cortisol (stress hormone) is the HIGHEST![1] It is most elevated when you wake up due to fasting, and in order to get you ready for the stress of the day. It is also highest in the afternoon due to the overall stress of the work day, or the weight of the day in general. If you are active, are waking up early in the morning, have a long commute, and then workout or have activities at home, then you should be getting some form of adrenal support.

The following Green Cocktail would be extremely beneficial for anyone. Herbs are all natural, and really won’t do any harm. All herbs have been studied and proven to help with the negative effects of stress on our bodies, can help you sleep, and can help you have energy throughout the entire day.

Herbs and Descriptions

  1. Rhodiola: Rhodiola is an adaptogen. Adaptogens help us respond effectively, or “adapt” to physical, emotional, or mental stress. It has been proven to help with energy, adrenal support, relieve stress, and aid in workout performance.

      2. Holy Basil: Another adaptogen, therefore helping your body respond and react to the stress in our              everyday life. Hoorah for adaptogens! Studies have shown holy basil decreases our stress hormone                levels[2].

  1. Ashwagandha: This herb has a sweet name, and it makes you sound health AF, “ya I take Ashwagandha…do you even herb?”. Just like the other two herbs, it helps intensely with energy levels, fatigue, as well as concentration. On top of all those benefits it takes advantage of our natural testosterone levels, which is helpful for burning stubborn body fat, especially among women.

4. Vitamin D: Since we are so sun deficient right now, it is a really good time of year to be getting more              vitamin D into your system. Around 2000 iu’s everyday in order to keep you sufficient. Seasonal                    Affective Disorder is a real thing, so supplementing with Vitamin D is important to keep your mood              and energy levels up.

Green Brands I Recommend

  1. Amazing Grass Chocolate flavour
  2. Cyto-Greens Green Tea & Acai flavour
  3. Progressive Citrus or Coconut-Pineapple flavour


  1. Rhodiola: 2 full tinctures
  2. Ashwaghanda: 1 pill
  3. Holy Basil: 2 tinctures
  4. Vitamin D: 1 drop
  5. Greens powder: 1.5 scoops
  6. Water
  7. Big splash of almond milk
  8. Crushed ice
  9. 1 tsp. raw organic cocoa powder


  1. If you do not want to buy the tinctures, or they are not your thing, then you can buy adrenal support which has all of the herbs plus other vitamins in minerals. The picture below is the Adrenal Support a holistic nutritionist recommended. If you are taking the pills, then 2 in the AM and 2 in the afternoon, just as you would the cocktail. Make sure you are having your greens scoop on the side of the pills, or empty the pills into your greens powder and shake.


  1. Mix all ingredients together and shake around until well mixed.
  2. Have your anti-stress green cocktail in the AM as SOON as you wake up in the morning. It should be consumed on an empty stomach, before food. Have breakfast after the greens drink. Do not eat breakfast while drinking the cocktail.
  3. Consume another anti-stress green cocktail in the afternoon between the hours of 4-6pm. Try to consume in between meals, on an almost empty stomach.




  1. Sladek, M. R., Doane, L. D., & Stroud, C. B. (2016). Individual and Day-to- Day Differences in Active Coping Predict Diurnal Cortisol Patterns among Early Adolescent Girls. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,46(1), 121-135. doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0591-2
  1. Gupta SK, Prakash J, Srivastava S. Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. As a medicinal plant. Indian Journal. 2002, 40(7), 765-73.










  1. [1] Sladek, M. R., Doane, L. D., & Stroud, C. B. (2016). Individual and Day-to-Day Differences in Active Coping Predict Diurnal Cortisol Patterns among Early             Adolescent Girls. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,46(1), 121-135.          doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0591-2


  1. [2] Gupta SK, Prakash J, Srivastava S. Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. As a medicinal plant. Indian Journal. 2002,         40(7), 765-73.