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Category: Other
3 Ways to Maximize your Workout Results

3 Ways to Maximize your Workout Results Feeling stagnant and unenthusiastic about your workout routine can be very common. Hitting a bump in the road because you may not be reaping the rewards from your effort can make anyone eventually lose motivation. But never fear! There are many ways you can maximize and re-ignite your workout gains without having to put more hours in the gym or find new exercises […]

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5 Ways to Make Clean Eating Interesting

5 Ways to Make Clean Eating Interesting It is a fact that as soon as you tell someone they cannot have something, it’s the single thing they want the most. People become transfixed on the “forbidden fruit” even though they may not have thought about it prior to being told they cannot have it. This holds true for those who are dieting or on a meal plan. Unfortunately—but rather ironically—it […]

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What’s Happening to Women’s Fitness?

What’s Happening to Women’s Fitness? I was doing some research on Instagram the other day getting ready for a small fitness photoshoot for Doll Fitness. I’m not a model whatsoever and have no knowledge on what my “best side is” or how I should pose while taking the perfect selfie. I was looking for some inspiration on what to do until I found myself confused as to what I had […]

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The Truth About the Numbers – What Your Scale Refuses to Tell You

The Truth about the Numbers – What your Scale Refuses to Tell you Many experts have suggested that frequently weighing yourself allows you to measure bodily changes, maintain a consistent weight, and hold you accountable. In my opinion, however, your bathroom scale can be very detrimental to your weight loss success and self esteem in general. It shocks me that to this day—even with endless access to above-average educational tools—women judge […]

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Clean Eating Hacks for the Social Butterfly

Clean Eating Hacks for the Social Butterfly Sometimes life gets in the way of your clean eating routine. Almost every month there will be a celebration in one form or another or a random life event that can make it difficult and frustrating to stay on track with your clean eating rituals. When these kinds of hurtles pop up, they can feel daunting, disappointing, and like a big set back. […]

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Bulking vs. Toning: The Great Bulk Debate

Bulking vs. Toning: The Great Bulk Debate “I just want to tone.” This is a phrase that I would guess 9 out of 10 women say in the gym. If you press a little further about how they intend to achieve this “toned” appearance, they likely will respond with, “I don’t want to bulk, I don’t want to get big, I just want to look fit.” This brings me to […]

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4 Small Changes That Will Make a BIG Difference In Your Diet

4 Small Changes That Will Make a BIG Difference In Your Diet It was the very small changes I started implementing into my daily routine that made all the difference. Those little changes became habits, ultimately kick-starting my drive to live a cleaner and healthier life. Maybe you will read some of the tips ahead and make up a million and one excuses in your head as to why they […]

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Ruby’s Transformation – There is no Magic Wand, It’s Called Dedication.

Ruby’s Transformation – There is no Magic Wand, It’s Called Dedication. From a distance, it may have looked like Ruby had nothing to complain about. After all, her aesthetician business in Markham was booming, with more than 600 clients requesting her services. And yet, Ruby struggled to wholeheartedly appreciate her success due to the state of her health. When she started training at Doll Fitness on September 28th, 2015, she […]

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So you want to lean out? Don’t make these mistakes.

So you want to lean out? Don’t make these mistakes. So you want to lean out, lose some pounds, and get ready for the upcoming bikini season. Based on the many food diaries I’ve read and stories I’ve heard from my clients, I’m going to assume that you’ll try the following strategies: You are going to cut your carbohydrates, up your cardiovascular exercise, and try to reduce your daily caloric […]

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You’re Not an Expert, and Neither Am I.

You’re Not an Expert, and Neither Am I. People often ask me how I entered the fitness world in the first place. And whenever I tell them, I feel inclined to mention one of the most important lessons I learned is from my early experiences. It is important to realize that not all fitness regimes may be suited for you. But the only way to realize what you do love […]

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